What’s The Best Advice You Received on Job Loss or Job Hunting?

What’s The Best Advice You Received on Job Loss or Job Hunting?

What’s the best advice you received on job loss or job hunting? I’m compiling a top 10 list and so I’m asking for input. Entries selected will be paid $25 to be included in Escape from Unemploymentville book. But first let me answer the question myself. The best job loss/job hunting advice I received was… “Take a break. Don’t even think about a job or looking for one for at least 3 or 4 days.” These words of wisdom came…

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What Helga has to say about Unemploymentville.com

What Helga has to say about Unemploymentville.com

First, who the hell is Helga? Helga is the naysayer voice in my head. I heard someone talk about how we all have such a voice and she had named her voice, Helga. I passed the name on to the Debbie Downer in my head as well. Helga has kept me from writing a single blog post in the last week even though I found/made time to plant a vegetable garden and clean two kitchen cabinets out. I mean, really,…

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The Great Divide Between Jobless and Jobfull

The Great Divide Between Jobless and Jobfull

So I decided I’d better post something to give notice that the website and concept of Unemploymentville has not been abandoned. Well not totally or permanently, at least. Why haven’t I been around? Because my job has been sucking the ‘spare time’ out of my life, which regardless of whether you want to launch a website or write a book, is not a good situation. And everyone I know with a job is struggling with work/life balance. Struggling to find…

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I Gotta Get Out of This Place….

I Gotta Get Out of This Place….

One of the positive things about viewing Unemploymentville as a destination, as a travel destination especially, is it makes it easier to think about it as being some place you travel through as temporary surroundings. There is a reader comment on Amazon on the book, Landing on the Right Side of Your Ass: A Survival Guide for the Recently Unemployed about what if you don’t land on the right side of your ass and they talk about how they took…

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Unemployment, Depression and Animals

Unemployment, Depression and Animals

Three Keys to Cutting Costs While Waiting for a ‘REAL JOB’ You tear open the envelope and stare down at your horse boarding bill for the month. Your eyes widen, the envelope flutters to the ground, and you put your face in your hands. You haven’t had the strength to announce to the world that you’ve just lost your job, and if you don’t hustle, you’re soon going to lose your horse. This is exactly what I experienced when I…

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