What’s The Best Advice You Received on Job Loss or Job Hunting?
What’s the best advice you received on job loss or job hunting?
I’m compiling a top 10 list and so I’m asking for input. Entries selected will be paid $25 to be included in Escape from Unemploymentville book.
But first let me answer the question myself.
The best job loss/job hunting advice I received was…
“Take a break. Don’t even think about a job or looking for one for at least 3 or 4 days.”
These words of wisdom came from my husband who saw the basketcase I had become when I was notified that my formal job offer had been rescinded (the project I was being hired to work on was cancelled). My first thought had been to… get right back on that horse! And had it been a horse I’d fallen off of, that might have made sense, but it wasn’t and I needed a change of scenery and activity.
If you’d like to submit an entry for the Best Advice You Received on Job Loss or Job Hunting, you can comment below or send an email to admin at unemploymentville.com with a Subject Line of “Best Advice”.
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5 thoughts on “What’s The Best Advice You Received on Job Loss or Job Hunting?”
The best advice I received was ” Don’t give up hope, something will come up when you least expect it”
The best advice I’ve ever received was “ask your friends and family if they know of any opportunities.”
This advice was very difficult to follow. I was ashamed of being unemployed, and I didn’t want my friends to know how strapped I was for money. It took me many months to build up the courage (and desperation) required to talk to anyone except my closest friends and mother about my situation.
But what a difference it made! All of my friends have struggled with unemployment at one point or another, some of them for years at a time, and most were sensitive to my embarrassment. About half a dozen came forward with opportunities they’d heard about, either through the grapevine or at their own work. They were very eager to help. We started hanging out more at home and at parks, instead of going to restaurants and spending money. No one judged me as I’d feared for so long.
Most important of all, I found myself applying more regularly for work. The shame I’d been feeling was so great that I’d stopped wanted to sort through job listings and write new cover letters. It felt pointless and my self-pity was taking a toll. But once I realized how normal it was to be unemployed, and how supportive my friends and family wanted to be, my confidence returned. My search has been more measured and fulfilling ever since.
The best advice I’ve received is to assess yourself, reverse engineer what it is you are truly good at, what value do you bring to the world, and how can you turn that into a business or opportunity. For myself, it’s copywriting and social media. I know how to take a company’s pain points and turn it into engagement with a customer, or a sale. So I started looking for these opportunities and making a business out of it. Having a background in writing helped, of course!
Hi Cody, Thanks for stopping by. Did you create a website about your copywriting and social media skills? How did you get your first sale?